Sunday 13 January 2008

Farne Islands

oh, this one's a bit clearer

Farne Islands

in the distance.....obviously

Ewe & lambs??

what the Dickens???




Look.....all I mentioned was "orange sauce!"



Ah, now aren't they lovely?




I know it's a bit blurred, but that adds to the effect (well, thats my story and I'm sticking to it!)


Hey cow.....someone is watchin you!


cow haircut

Now I don't know about you, but I have seen loads of different cow haircuts. This one for example have a partning in the middle with a bit of a flicky fringe. I will be seeking out others for your entertainment!

church window

Charlie 3

There are some animals that I would work with any day of the week.....and this is one of them. My sister's dog Charlie. A gorgeous West Highland White Terrier.
I had a Westie called Susie (hense the name of this site) and some photo's of her will be appearing soon!) and she was the love of my life for 16 years until she so sadly died....... .

Charlie 2



Holy Island

These are upturned boats made into sheds!

Holy Island


Every picture tells a story (well, nearly). These calves had been resting and decided to get up and shout for their mothers as we walked past. A herd of about 20 cows......honest! came galloping towards me & hubby!
I shouted "to the wall hubby, to the wall!!" (as you do in an emergency) and ran off to leap over a wall for protection. Hubby being a man decided to put his hands in his pockets and walk calmly away from the cows (well, as calmly as you can when walking at 30 mph!).
I haven't lived it down since....."to the wall..."

Calf & tree

now, someone has got to come up with a caption for this one.....



If you haven't visited Butterfly World at Peterlee (Co Durham, UK) yet, then you have to.
It is fab for adults and kids.
Highly recommended...(I am not showing the picture of my sister with a butterfly on her head....yet!)

Busy bee

you should bee (oh come on! I had to do it!!) impressed that I got this picture..... I am terrified of bees & wasps.


eee, I didn't even give him a chance to comb his hair!!
is he giving me the evil eye or what?

Bridge at Chollerford

Bridge over river

Bridge Over The River......why?

Holy Island boats

I love this one, it looks like an oil painting!


owt nor nowt really

blue flowers

not sure if these are weeds or not......I am not very green fingered.
Any ideas?

birds on chimney

my Dad has always called a "chimney" a "chimley"........ funny that.


Owl 2

"it's behind you!!!"


Bird of pray

never work with kids or animals....
blummin thing wouldn't keep still!

Holy Island beach

Holy Island beach 2

Holy Island beach

What an eerie feeling to Holy Island when we got there.
It was foggy which added an extra bit of "something" to my photo's.

Bamburgh Village

We did a circular walk around Bamburgh and this is the road we walked back into the village on.

Bamburgh Castle

Bamburgh Castle

Bamburgh Castle

Now come on, you've got to be a bit impressed with this one?
Get a load of that sky!!

Bamburgh Castle

Hubby wasn't impressed with standing about while I took loads of photo's at Bamburgh.
We were meant to be "out walking", which turned into "out standing" more ways than one!

Bamburgh beach

Bamburgh beach

"spot the windsurfer....."

Bamburgh beach

Bamburgh beach 4

Bamburgh beach 3

seashell & sand

Bamburgh beach